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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nigerian Man Arrested and Charged For Kidnapping and Raping a 21-Year-Old Woman

Samuel Okorie, a 29-year-old Nigerian man in Brookline, Massachusetts has been arrested and charged with rape, kidnapping and robbery. Okorie was accused by a young woman of grabbing her at a public place, forcefully taking her to his place, and sexually assaulting her. The incident took place over the weekend in a residential neighbourhood.

According to police report, a 21 year old woman identified Okorie as the man who sexually assaulted her. Police say the victim ran up the street, crying for help.

A neighbour said the victim came running to her door on Sunday morning as she was getting ready to go to church. She said the girl “had her shoes in her hands and was shaking uncontrollably, screaming, ‘Help me! Help me!’”

“The girl started crying louder and louder, yelling, ‘He raped me and he’s going to come and get me,’” the neighbor said. The woman called 911 immediately, and police were soon on the scene.

Police report says Okorie grabbed the woman from behind near a gas station on Saturday night, grabbed her cellphone and pushed her into nearby bushes where he sexually assaulted her. Reports states that Okorie then dragged the girl to his home where another sexual assault took place.

Detectives said the victim attempted to escape many times but was restrained by Okorie. Eventually she did manage to get away and ended up at a neighbour's house down the street, who then called the police.

Neighbours described Okorie as quiet, friendly and were surprised he was involved in something like this.

He has been arrested and is currently held at the Allegheny county jail. His bail is set for $150,000. A hearing is scheduled for next week.

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