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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dating Tips: 6 Things To Do When Your Boyfriend Hurts Your Feelings

What do you when you really feel bad by your boyfriend's actions or words, do you scream? cry? or you let it go and act like nothing went wrong?

Having hurt feelings in a relationship is probably inevitable, dealing with the hurt is what needs to be focused on.

What do you when you really feel bad by your boyfriend's actions or words, do you scream? cry? or you let it go and act like nothing went wrong?

Here are the 6-tips to do when you are being hurt by your boyfriend:

1. Tell him your feelings were hurt:
If your boyfriend hurts your feelings, then you need to tell him that. If you don't, he probably won't realize it. This is one of those times you need to just be honest. Tell him he hurt your feelings and what he did to hurt your feelings. This is one of the first things to do when your boyfriend hurts your feelings.

2. Give him the chance to apologise:
Before you take any other steps in handling the situation, give your boyfriend a chance to apologize. If he feels badly and apologizes then you may not need to do anything else. You can forgive him and enjoy the rest of your day together. Sometimes other steps are needed to fix the situation. That's something only you can decide.

3. Give him benefit of the doubt:
If you're dating a guy who has a good heart and is caring, then he probably didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It was most likely completely unintentional. In this situation, you still want to tell him your feelings are hurt but you also want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Remember he's a good guy who just said or did something inconsiderate. In this situation, things can easily be cleared up.

4. Give him sometime to think:
There are times when your boyfriend may hurt your feelings but not be willing to understand or apologize. If this is the case then you may want to give him some time to think. Pull back from him a little and let him have some time to hash out the situation in his mind. This may mean you don't immediately answer his texts or that you make other plans for a day or so. If he truly cares for you, he will think things over and see your point.

5. Listen to his side of story:
It's good to remember there are are two sides to everything. It may be that you completely misunderstood him. Give him a chance to explain what he meant. He could have been directing a comment toward someone else or a different situation. In this scenario, things can easily be worked out.

6. Evaluate your relationship:
Finally, If you are dating someone who hurts your feelings often or purposefully, then it may be time to evaluate your relationship. Any guy could hurt your feelings on occasion but if it's beyond the norm that can be a red flag. No one deserves someone who purposefully says or does hurtful things. It is best to be honest with yourself about the state of your relationship. Don't settle for someone that doesn't cherish you for the special person you are.

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